Updated to Stock patch 1.4
- Less material to fix the "2048
materials" error
- Idle Monitor added (Thanks
- Forfeit handling
New Dvars
in AWE.cfg:// Time after
that the player have become idle, that the player should
be forced to spectate. (If this value is 0, the player won't be forced
to spectate).
awe_idle_switch_spectator "120"
// Time
after that the player have been forced to spectate, that the
player should be kicked. (If this value is 0, the player won't be
// if a "awe_idle_switch_spectator" time has been set
be sure to set
this to 0 or if you want them to be kicked a value higher then the
above one.
set awe_idle_spectator_timeout
// 0 = Do not show a warning message
(default), 1 = Show a warning message before taking action against idle
set awe_idle_show_warning
// Protected tags protect players wearing them
from being kicked when idle, tags are separated by spaces.
Tags are case sensitive!!!
awe_idle_protected_tags "[RGN]"
Protected GUIDs protect the clients they belong to from being kicked
when idle. (separate each GUID with a semicolon).
awe_idle_protected_guids ""
// Forfeit option, turn
to 0 to avoid game ending if all players on one side leave, default is
set awe_forfeit
Ok, at last AWE5 is here! Sorry for
the delay folks, we know some of
you have been waiting for this release for a good while now. We hope it
is to your expectations, we took over this mod from Tally who left the
COD scene recently to pursue new projects and with the help of the
entire RGN Dev Team we finally offer this 1.0 Public
are 4 "modes" in this mod:•
• Stock Ranking
• ForceWeapons
Control of these modes is at the
top of awe.cfg.
NB: No 2 mode dvars should be set
at the same time. This is fundamental to the running of the
** A dvar for the quick messages is included.
This lets you turn off
the quick messages voices. Please see in awe.cfg under Server Settings
If you choose to turn off the voices the
large IWD file isn’t required
and you can then use the “slim” IWD file in the special ZIP folder, and
use that one on your server as opposed to the default
** Sniper Options. A number of new Dvars are
available (thanks Marc!) and you will see a sniper.cfg in /configs to
use for that.
** All relevant dvars are
dvardef-friendly, that is, they can now be
set to be map or gametype specific. This means, for example, that you
can have a different MOTD for each map or gametype. Or, as another
example, the Admin rules on the Server Info menu can now be set
separately for different maps or gametypes. So, you can now set
different rules for different maps or
scr_server_rule_1 "Rule 1. Don’t
Cheat!"set scr_server_rule_1_mp_castle
"Rule Castle. Don’t Hack or
Cheat!"Putting the extension mp_castle on
the end of scr_server_rule_1 makes it different only for
List of AWE5 FeaturesThose
familiar with AWE will already recognise most of these features,
but for the sake of completeness, here is a full list of the
• anti-lag handler
• anti-gravity
• force autoassign
• death icon
• hardcore persistent minimap option
gametype delay
• hit icon handler
• drop weapons
• server messages
• welcome
• server logo: text and shader
• pain and
death sounds
• anti-camper
• anti-bunny hopper, and
anti-jump shoot
• dead body handling
• team killing
• spawn protection
• health bar
health packs (if stock health regen isn’t used)
• bleeding
• firstaid packs
• map turret handling
map vehicles handling
• end of map voting system
map rotation handling
• team status hud
• weapon
damage mod
• weapon pools
• explosives
• swap teams at end round
• laserdot
• crosshairs handling
• enemy crosshairs
• rank and crosshair names handling
• zoom
scope function
• range finder function
• Shellshock
& Earthquake
AWE5 Custom
GametypesIn addition to the
stock gametypes, we added the following custom gametypes to enhance
your server’s experience:
• Capture the Flag
• Hold the Flag
• Capture and Hold
AWE Domination
Read the PDF onlineHERE