• short range grenade handling (all types of grenades: stun, frag, flash, smoke)• prestige ranking enabled• long range sniper weapons• anti-sprint handler• anti-lag handler• anti-gravity dvar• force autoassign• death icon handler• hardcore persistent minimap option• gametype delay• hit icon handler• drop weapons handling (fully configurable)• server messages• welcome messages• server logo: text and shader• bloody screen• pain and death sounds• anti-camper• anti-bunny hopper, and anti-jump shoot• dead body handling• team killing handler• spawn protection• health bar• health packs (if stock health regen isn’t used)• bleeding out• firstaid packs• map turret handling• end of map voting system• map rotation handling• team status hud• weapon damage mod• weapon pools• c4 and claymore disarming• swap teams at end round• laserdot crosshairs• crosshairs handling• enemy crosshairs handling• rank and crosshair names handling
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